cover image This is a Story about God: Miraculous Events Surrounding the Healing of David Nash

This is a Story about God: Miraculous Events Surrounding the Healing of David Nash

Ann Kiemel Anderson, Ann Kiemel Anderson. Beacon Hill Press, $14.99 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-8341-1731-0

In her first book in five years, Kiemel (I'm out to change the world) tells the story of God's providence in healing her cousin David Nash. Kiemel had a front row seat to observe the struggle of Nash and his family as he awaited a liver transplant. Kiemel depicts the exasperation and depression that Nash, an ordained minister, experienced. She reports that, in the midst of his illness, Nash came to believe that God wanted him to be less self-absorbed and to start sharing God's love with other patients. So Nash began to pray for others, including the potential liver donor, Serafino, and his family. As Kiemel intertwines Serafino's story with Nash's story, she discerns God's gracious love at work in both Nash's new lease on life and Serafino's death (reserving the upper case for God). ""i can only tell you how I see it. that in a Holy God's arrangement, we all have a time for joy and a time for tears. in a Holy God's scheme of things, our days are numbered. but counted carefully. lovingly... david would carry the liver of serafino. and every time he touched another with God's grace and love, serafino was a part...."" Kiemel's writing is lyrical and engaging, but her conception of God's providence ultimately seems too simplistic and her argument for its existence relies too much on sentiment and too little on rigor. (Jan.)