cover image The Reckless Way of Love: Notes on Following Jesus

The Reckless Way of Love: Notes on Following Jesus

Dorothy Day. Plough, $8 (154p) ISBN 978-0-87486-792-3

This thoughtful collection of Day’s reflections incorporates abundant material for contemplation, all drawn from her extensive writings, including The Long Loneliness and articles from the Catholic Worker. Five sections explore Day’s thoughts on faith, love, prayer, life, and community. For example, “A Way of Prayer” includes subsections such as “Ask and You Will Receive,” “Lord, Teach Me to Pray,” and “Give Thanks.” The selections reveal Day’s signature honesty and frequent humor in addressing her hopes and fears and the sources of her inspiration: “When I die, I hope people will say that I tried to be mindful of what Jesus told us—his wonderful stories—and I tried my best to live up to his example (we fall flat on our faces all the time though!)” Day’s incisive ability to articulate the struggles faced by people of faith radiates through this slender volume: “One of the objections to suffering which we do not admit is that it is undignified... in reality it takes heroic virtue to practice patience in little things.” This welcome compilation provides a window into the fundamental beliefs that undergirded Day’s life of faith. (Mar.)