cover image Explosion of Terrorism

Explosion of Terrorism

Beau Grossup, Beau Grosscup. New Horizon Press, $19.95 (320pp) ISBN 978-0-88282-030-9

Grosscup, a California-based journalist, analyzes not only the familiar outrages in the Middle East, Europe and Central America but also such terrorist phenomena as attacks against abortion clinics, ""air terrorism'' in El Salvador and the supposed connection between the feminist movement and terrorism. One major theme is the single-source conspiratorial theory, which Grosscup convincingly demolishes by demonstrating that both the Soviets and the Americans have employed or supported terrorist tactics during the past 15 years. A chapter on terrorism in India challenges the theory of nation-building based on the assumption that ethnic, cultural and religious loyalties will disappear in time. He stresses that terrorism is a permanent problem and discusses preparations for the ``explosion'' he predicts will occur on American soil. (May)