cover image Masculindians: Conversations About Indigenous Manhood Name

Masculindians: Conversations About Indigenous Manhood Name

Sam McKegney. Univ. of Manitoba (Michigan State Univ., U.S. dist.; UTP, Canadian dist.), $29.95 trade paper (256p) ISBN 978-0-88755-762-0

Finding out the meaning of modern indigenous manhood is the goal of this intriguing%E2%80%94if occasionally dense%E2%80%94study by McKegney, professor of English at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont. In order to highlight "the constructedness of popular cultural representations of indigenous men," a concept he calls "masculindians," McKegney interviews numerous indigenous subjects who offer empowering visions of masculinity that simultaneously recognize, and move beyond, colonialism's legacy. McKegney argues that defining manhood is an arbitrary process informed by the complex interworking of history, race, and culture. This is especially true for indigenous men, who historically have been defined through the lens of white colonizers as either the "noble savage" or the "bloodthirsty warrior." McKegney interviews male and female educators, artists (including writers such Joseph Boyden, Lee Maracle and Tomson Highway), scholars, social workers, elders, and others who attest to the myriad conceptions of indigenous manhood that range from the affirmingly spiritual to the purposefully vulnerable. The author's preference for opaque academic writing (phrases such as "power-laden interpenetrating discourses") and many intertextual references make this a book primarily for academic specialists. But general readers willing to endure the specialized prose will find many a fascinating discussion about modern indigenous identities. (Mar.)