cover image The Sun in Capricorn

The Sun in Capricorn

Paul Rosenblatt. Watermark Press, $18.5 (185pp) ISBN 978-0-922820-00-9

Rosenblatt formerly taught English literature in Brazil, a role he assigns his protagonist Professor Jonathan (no surname) in this strange, complex novel. An American living with his wife Carol and their children in Rio de Janeiro during the revolutionary 1970s, Jonathan resists advice to take his family home. He loves the country, his students; everything appeals to his senses. When a photographer snaps the professor's picture with the notorious rebel Verlande, however, the risks of remaining there increase. But Carol, anxious to get away, surprises Jonathan by insisting they help a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz, a target of the temporary ruling powers, before they leave. That situation brings on further complications and the sudden appearance of Roberto, who looks exactly like Jonathan, to serve as his guardian angel. Ramifying incidents thereafter crowd the narrative, which is inherently marvelous, but hard to follow. Linguistically extravagant, lyrical and voluptuous, the writing bespeaks the author's exceptional gifts. As the images stir the emotions, however, they lead one astray from the novel's viewpoint on tragedies caused by the struggles for power. (Dec.)