cover image The Great Cellists

The Great Cellists

Margaret Campbell. Trafalgar Square Publishing, $24.95 (352pp) ISBN 978-0-943955-09-4

Campbell ( The Great Violinists ) summarizes the careers and accomplishments of more than 175 cellists who have excelled as performers and teachers from the days of the earliest virtuosos in the 17th century to modern times. After a cursory description of the development of the instrument itself, she discusses early cellists in chapters arranged according to country. Outstanding cellists of more recent years are discussed at greater length, with the longest passages given to a few of the best known, including Casals, Piatigorsky, Rostropovich and du Pre. The book reads for the most part as a dry catalogue of facts, enlivened by some amusing anecdotes but written in an uninspired style and badly in need of editing. Photographs. (May)