cover image Finders Keepers

Finders Keepers

Russ Colchamiro, illus. by Rich Koslowski, 3 Finger Prints (, $13.99 trade paper (301p) ISBN 978-09794801-4-0

As the Milky Way Galaxy is being created in Eternity's laboratories, a jar of CBM (cosmic building material) goes missing on Earth (thanks to the on-the-clock "getting' it on" of two employees). Hapless New Zealander Theo Barnes discovers the jar but has no idea what it contains; when the sea creatures start talking, however, even he realizes that it holds great significance. Eager to learn more, he goes on a backpacking trip through Europe, where he meets Jason Medley, an aimless American on a quest of self-discovery. The two meander across the continent, while all around them people search desperately for the CBM, intent on salvaging the scheduled unveiling of the Milky Way. What Colchamiro's unique and funny novel lacks in coherence, it makes up for in style and panache. The author has created the quintessential bumbling duo in Barnes and Medley, two clueless dudes drifting through a rather dense narrative, and most of the large supporting cast from Eternity (from ex-lovers Emma and Lex to the husband-and-wife team of Donald and Danielle, who lost the jar in the first place) are funny and well-drawn. This is a strong debut from a very imaginative writer. (Nov.)