Don’t Laugh at Giraffe
Rebecca Bender. Pajama Press (Orca, dist.), $19.95 (32p) ISBN 978-0-9869495-6-2
Although Bird and Giraffe are constantly annoying each other, “you rarely see them apart.” When the odd couple, first seen in Giraffe and Bird, heads to the pond for a drink, Bird joins in with a zebra, flamingo, and hippo to laugh at Giraffe as he awkwardly tries to bend down and reach the water—eventually falling in. But Bird turns contrite when a humiliated Giraffe leaves the pond and conspires to include Giraffe in some good-natured laughter. Bender paints the animals against a bright savanna backdrop, emphasizing their emotional ups and downs with exaggerated facial expressions. The conversational text gracefully delivers a message about kindness and having a sense of humor. Ages 4–up. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 08/13/2012
Genre: Children's
Hardcover - 32 pages - 978-1-77278-126-7