cover image Wicked Beautiful

Wicked Beautiful

J.T. Geissinger. J.T. Geissinger, $3.99 e-book (382p) ISBN 978-0-9969358-0-7

Revenge wears Armani and shimmers under New York City’s lights in this saucy, unpredictable contemporary from Geissinger (Sweet as Sin). Impoverished Isabel Diaz made one big mistake: falling in love with wealthy Parker Maxwell. Disapproving of her social status, Parker’s father threatened to destroy Isabel’s family if Parker didn’t agree to leave her. Before Parker could return to Isabel, he was told she’d committed suicide. She was in fact alive and well—and pregnant. Destitute and heartbroken, she puts the child up for adoption and then reinvents herself as glamorous Victoria Price, who soon begins earning a fortune teaching women how to emulate her elegant style. Armed with a new look and a new name, she’s ready to get revenge on Parker for abandoning her. Unfortunately, in order to recapture his heart, she has to risk hers. As the two become close, Parker notices familiar traits in “Victoria,” and she remembers why she fell for him all those years ago. Readers will experience a roller-coaster of emotions as laugh-out-loud moments bandage the leads’ deep emotional scars. (BookLife)