cover image Faker


Gordon Korman. Scholastic Press, $17.99 (224p) ISBN 978-1-338-82675-3

As the son of a grifter, 12-year-old Trey has his con artist routine down to a science: enroll in a new school, make friends, introduce his father to his friends’ wealthy parents, and get out before their targets realize they’ve been scammed. Their current ploy involves selling shares in a fake electric car company, and this time, Trey’s dad is finally bringing him in as a full-time partner, an arrangement which aggravates Trey’s ambitious younger sister. Now attending Boxelder Middle School in Tennessee, Trey is excited to help his father make what could be their “Big Score.” But Trey’s new friends, including socially conscious Kaylee and gregarious Logan, have him reconsidering his previous disdain about settling down. And when Trey receives an anonymous message claiming “I know what you’re doing,” he’s stuck in a no-win situation. How is he supposed to protect his family—and his budding new life—without giving himself away? In this lively adventure by Korman (Slugfest), characters navigate complex ethical issues surrounding right and wrong, responsibility, and actions and repercussions. Trey’s riveting struggle to justify his family’s actions while seeking a more grounded life is levied by Korman’s signature humor. Major characters cue as white. Ages 8–12. Agent: Elizabeth Harding, Curtis Brown. (July)