cover image Like Father, Like Son

Like Father, Like Son

Lesléa Newman, illus. by AG Ford. Abrams, $18.99 (32p) ISBN 978-1-4197-4021-3

Newman’s jaunty rhymes challenge common gender stereotypes in this openhearted ode to dads. “My daddy knits, my daddy sews,/ He makes us both fantastic clothes,” reads opening text alongside an image of an adult figure working a sewing machine while a child knits. Domestic spreads follow, casting fathers as bakers and flower cultivators, while later outdoorsy moments describe guitar-playing and animal appreciation. After mishaps, including a broken lamp and a tumble, a speaker highlights their caregiver’s loving-kindness, culminating in the straightforward, message-driven lines, “My daddy teaches me each day/ To be strong in a gentle way.” Employing precise lines, careful coloring, and an idyllic, Norman Rockwell–esque vibe, Ford depicts in watercolor and colored pencil father-child relationships between individuals of various abilities and skin tones. Ages 4–8. (Apr.)