Ken Brown, THE SCARECROW'S HATKen Br. , $15.95 (32pp) ISBN 978-1-56145-240-8

In this gentle picture book with an old-fashioned feel, an enterprising chicken pulls off a hat trick of sorts when she finds a way to obtain a chapeau she admires. Chicken would love to have Scarecrow's straw hat for her very own. Scarecrow says he would gladly swap his headdress for a walking stick, something that Chicken does not possess. So Chicken sets out to visit Badger, who does have a walking stick. Trouble is Badger wants to make a trade, too, for something else Chicken can't provide—a ribbon. Chicken calls on an array of animal pals until she at last makes the deal that leads her back to Scarecrow's hat, via a chain reaction of satisfying swaps. British author/illustrator Brown's (Dilly-Dally and the Nine Secrets) story proceeds at a leisurely pace, allowing young readers time to join in Chicken's creative problem-solving. A couple of missteps in logic (a sheep is happy to have a pair of broken glasses; Scarecrow is the only inanimate object to speak) don't mar the easygoing mood. The true standout here, however, is Brown's artwork—his airy, sun-dappled watercolors evoke a pleasant summer day. Ages 2-6. (Mar.)
