Ultimate Bicycle Book
Richard Ballantine. DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley), $29.95 (192pp) ISBN 978-1-56458-036-8
Cyclers on the slopes of Kilimanjaro, racers in the Tour de France and casual coasters in the local park receive attention in this instructive, glossy volume of biking basics. Ballantine ( Richard's Bicycle Book ) and London journalist Grant cite bikes' environmental soundness and physical fitness benefits and praise ``cycle activism'' that promotes building of bike paths and reliance on bikes over cars. They explain how to adjust handlebars and seats for the best fit, stretch and train indoors for cycling, teach a child to ride and select equipment for a marathon, tour or expedition. Particularly helpful is the maintenance section, which includes temporary roadside ``first aid'' for flats, pedals and cables; technology-minded readers will appreciate short segments on aerodynamics, light materials and solar energy. Handsomely illustrated with 700 color photos, this exhaustive guide is best suited for amateurs rather than professional athletes. (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 03/02/1992