Little Voice Mastery: How to Win the War Between Your Ears in 30 Seconds or Less and Have an Extraordinary Life
Blair Singer. Select Books, $17.95 trade paper (184p) ISBN 978-1-59079-215-5
Singer (Sales Dogs) is a self-help guru with extensive experience as a sales and business consultant. His principal advice here consists of encouraging people to silence the inner voices that tell them that they aren't good enough, that they should move cautiously in the face of opportunities, or that they should diminish praise that they receive. While he recognizes the importance of soberly analyzing opportunities and the error of running into things blind, he believes that people don't allow themselves to be truly great. This advice is a mainstay of self-help books, and to Singer's credit, he openly admits that he has consolidated information from other sources to present basic concepts in one simple book. He spends a good part of the book referencing his previous works and courses, and stating that silencing the inner voice will lead to wealth and opportunity. If the goal is to inspire confidence and belief in oneself, Singer%E2%80%94whose attitude mirrors his compatriot, Robert Kiyosaki of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series%E2%80%94succeeds. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 08/08/2011
Genre: Nonfiction
Other - 208 pages - 978-0-9776518-1-8
Paperback - 208 pages - 978-0-9776518-0-1