cover image Why Grow That When You Can Grow This? 
255 Extraordinary Alternatives to Everyday Problem Plants

Why Grow That When You Can Grow This? 255 Extraordinary Alternatives to Everyday Problem Plants

Andrew Keys. Timber, $24.95 trade paper (340p) ISBN 978-1-60469-286-0

Landscape designer Keys lends helpful guidance for shaking up the standard fare in a garden with exciting alternatives. Laid out visually to assist the amateur horticulturist and garden designer, standard problem-children plants are listed in the left column, followed by two or three alternate choices, their growth habits, and reasons why they work as a good alternative. Why choose a hybrid tea rose (“queen of the fussy plant prom”) when a Miniature Snowflake mock orange promises half the maintenance and twice the bloom life? The book includes 350 color photographs and strong graphics for quick referral to standard horticultural information: hardiness, shape, color, texture, light requirements, and size. This is a lively, helpful guide offering needed redress for the tired garden—and gardener. (Nov.)