Redefining Girly: How Parents Can Fight the Stereotyping and Sexualizing of Girlhood, from Birth to Tween
Melissa Atkins Wardy. Chicago Review (IPG, dist.), $16.95 trade paper (256p) ISBN 978-1-61374-552-6
The widespread stereotyping and sexualization of children, and little girls in particular, across all forms of media and marketing, is systematically undermining their ability to develop intellectually, academically, psychologically, physically, emotionally, and socially, according to mother-of-two Wardy, founder of the Redefine Girly blog and cofounder of advocacy group The Brave Girls Alliance. Horrified at this “perversion of childhood,” Wardy offers a thoughtful, comprehensive guide to give parents and caregivers the tools and action plans they need to raise healthy, happy, confident children savvy enough to understand the consequences of “princess culture” and “pinkification.” The book is packed with everyday tips for establishing nongendered parenting roles at home; encouraging creative play; sourcing gender-neutral toys and clothing; positively navigating traditional and potentially harmful gender distinctions at schools, doctors’ offices, play dates, and birthday parties; and wisely wielding power as an educated consumer to effect the greatest change. Throughout, Wardy includes “Letters from the Experts,” in which writers and activists at the forefront of the movement against gender stereotyping offer encouragement and discuss their experiences. This eye-opening tome is an absolute must-read. (Jan.)
Reviewed on: 11/18/2013
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 256 pages - 978-1-61374-555-7