cover image Old Jews Telling Jokes

Old Jews Telling Jokes

Sam Hoffman with Eric Spiegelman, read by Sam Hoffman with original performances, HighBridge Audio, unabridged, three CDs, 3 hrs., $24.95 ISBN 978-1-61573-513-6

Anyone with fond memories of great-uncle Sol telling bad jokes after that fourth glass of wine at the Passover seder will probably find a chuckle—or at least a groan of recognition—in one or two of the creaky old chestnuts offered here. Sam Hoffman offers introductions to each joke topic and brief bios of the tellers, all prominent Jews aged 60 or older (including former New York City mayor Ed Koch), most of whom deliver their own joke, accompanied by a laugh track and the occasional sting of klezmer. Topics covered include immigration, Jewish mothers (naturally), and sex (two chapters). Because jokes were recorded in various locations, the sound quality varies. Taken as a whole, the collection is amusing, but a little goes a long way. A Villard paperback. (Sept.)