The members of the Association of Authors' Representatives, Inc. are committed to the highest standard of conduct in the performance of their professional activities. While affirming the necessity of maintaining their full individuality and freedom of action, the members pledge themselves to loyal service to their clients' business and artistic needs, and will allow no conflicts of interest that would interfere with such service. They pledge their support to the Association itself and to the principles of honorable coexistence, directness, and honesty in their relationships with co-members. They undertake never to mislead, deceive, dupe, defraud, or victimize their clients, other members of the Association, the general public, or any person with whom they do business as a member of the Association.

Goodman: "The AAR has a standing Ethics Committee that reviews allegations of unethical conduct against member agents. If the Committee finds that a member has violated the Canon of Ethics, the AAR Board of Directors is empowered to impose sanctions ranging from reprimand to expulsion.

"Historically, the Ethics Committee has not initiated investigations into or intervened in disputes involving members in the absence of a complaint alleging unethical conduct. When such complaints are received, they are investigated and acted on by the Committee with care and diligence, and where necessary appropriate sanctions have been and will in the future be imposed. The AAR is fully committed to the principles embodied in its Canon of Ethics and to the vigorous enforcement of those principles."