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'Mir,' 'Rim,' 'Chi'
Paul Nathan -- 12/15/97
Alexander Besher is economical with titles. Mir, sequel to his futuristic Rim, is being released next month as a trade paperback by Little, Brown's Orbit line in the U.K., along with a mass market reprint of Rim. Simon &Schuster, which has acquired the "Rim" series here, plans publication of Mir in March.
The Little, Brown edition of Mir introduces a merchandising first. Each copy of the thriller, set in a Russia invaded by "sentiment tattoos" (epidermal programming being all the rage among fringe dwellers of the hacker underworld in 2036), comes with a piece of wearable art. This is a transfer tattoo based on the Tibetan design on the book's jacket.

Besher has delivered a third novel, Chi, to his U.S. and European publishers. Film rights in the original Rim, under option for three years to Tri-Star Pictures for Robin Williams's production company, recently reverted to the author and is being offered as part of a "Rim" package by Stephen Bulka at William Morris.
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