The Copyright Clearance Center has launched the Republication Licensing Service, an automated online permission program that will allow rights holders to individually set permissions fees, monitor requests and control redistribution medium, all online, while CCC provides the database of available content and the technical infrastructure.

RLS is a kind of self-service digital enhancement of the permissions services that CCC has traditionally provided. Using a password-protected log-on, RLS provides publishers with constant access to permissions data regarding their copyrighted material. RLS allows publishers to "reap all the financial rewards of using e-commerce for managing permissions without the technology investment," explained Bruce Funkhouser, v-p of business operations for CCC.

Publishers can log on to their accounts through the CCC Web site ( and set their own fees or dictate whether the works may or may not be redistributed in print, e-mail, CD-ROM, Intranet, brochures or many other media.

A spokesperson told PW that CCC expects the service to increase royalty fees for publishers by further streamlining the permissions process. RLS allows buyers seeking rights to get copyright permissions, information about available content or monitor the status of their requests quickly and entirely over the Web. Furthermore, if a publisher's works are not listed through the CCC database, CCC will contact the rights holders.