The Book Industry Study Group has formed the New Technology Interest Group, which will hold its first meeting on Thursday, Sept. 16, in New York City. The new group is for people interested in e-books, printing on demand, eXtensible Mark-up Language and other new technologies affecting publishing.

The initial program includes speakers from Ingram Micro, Xerox, Donnelley, Follett and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Mike Shatzkin of the Idea Logical Company will summarize the presentations and offer a look at the future of new technology and the book industry.

Charles Benante of Pearson Education is serving as chair of the group, which will hold regular meetings. The first meeting is free but d s require an RSVP to BISG, at (212) 929-1393; fax (212) 989-7542; e-mail The meeting will be held from 12:30“4:30 p.m. in the McGraw-Hill auditorium on the second floor at 1221 Avenue of the Americas.