About 10 years ago, the trade paperback bestseller chart was dominated by nonfiction titles. This has turned around, with fiction titles now taking the majority of the slots. On this week's list, nine of the top 15 are novels. One of the newer titles, Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie, enjoyed excellent sales at the independents in hardcover with copies in print reaching about 127,000. The Anchor paperback was launched with an 85,000-copy printing, and after five additional printings, that number is 135,000. Rights have been sold to 25 countries. Sijie wrote the screenplay for the film he directed of his novel; it just premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. The author speaks only Chinese and French, so his paperback editor, Anjali Singh (fluent in French), accompanied him on his six-city tour as his translator and travel facilitator.