A portrait of Karl Rove, the political strategist behind the Bush presidential campaign and the recent Republican congressional triumphs, is to be rushed out in a couple of months by Public Affairs, where editors Lisa Kaufman and David Patterson signed two well-informed Texas journalists for the job. They are Lou DuBose, coauthor with Molly Ivins of Shrub, a satirical take on the president, and Jan Reid. Their book will be called Boy Genius: Karl Rove, the Brains Behind the Remarkable Political Triumph of George Bush, after Bush's favorite nickname for Rove, and will examine how the strategist, schooled in the "dirty tricks" school of Texas politics, has formulated a vision of how the country should be run, and who should run it. It was bought for world rights from Dan Green at his Pom agency, and will be out in mid-January, as the new Congress Rove has helped to shape begins.