2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
*Record high; the high for trade paperbacks (60 new titles) was set in 1993.
Hardcover Fiction 123 127 127 137* 136
Hardcover Nonfiction 73 83 90 86 96*
Mass Market 137 164* 153 145 134
Trade Paperback 52 59 52 52 55
TOTAL 385 433 422 420 421

All the numbers reflect first-time landings on the bestseller lists during a given year. For the first time, there were more hardcover fiction books than mass markets debuting on the lists. Shorter stays on the fiction list (about 64% of the 136 were on the charts for four weeks or less) underscore the pressure on publishers to maximize sales in the first week or two of publication.