Kinga Harth, 30 Registered nurse, Waikiki, Hawaii

What are you reading?

Rocket City by Cathryn Alpert.

Where did you get it?

A friend gave it to me. I just moved here from Budapest, Hungary, so I'm watching my spending. We usually swap books and when we run low, we visit new and used bookstores.

How are you liking it?

Although it's a humorous novel, it brings up interesting ideas about life and relationships that make you think. I like the way there are two separate stories that are beginning to cross toward the end of the book.

What was the last book you read?

Other than nursing reference books, I read The Da Vinci Code. It was very interesting.

What do you plan to read next?

I'm trying to read more history books. When people find out where I'm from, they ask me about Hungary and I want to be able to give them more information about the country.