% Change % Change
(Measured in $ sales against same time periods, 2004)
The publication of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince had the expected impact on the children's hardcover category, driving up July sales in the segment by 785.8%, according to AAP's monthly estimates. The release of Half-Blood also helped to push up sales of spoken-word audio, with July sales ahead nearly 198%. The mass market paperback segment was the third trade publishing segment to post double-digit gains in the month, with sales up 27.9%. The university press category continued to struggle in July, with sales in both hardcover and paperback down by more than 30%.
Category July YTD
Adult Hardcover 8.4% 2.8%
Adult Paperback 9.4 7.9
Adult Mass Market 27.9 0.6
Juvenile Hardcover 785.8 137.8
Juvenile Paperback -7.5 5.6
Audio Books 197.9 40.5
Electronic Books 49.7 38.2
Religious U.S. Books -5.8 -2.9
Higher Education 4.4 4.5
Univ. Pr. Hardcover -31.9 -25.1
Univ. Pr. Paperback -38.1 -18.9
Professional -4.9 -0.1
Elhi 5.0 4.9