76: percentage of publishers currently producing e-books
42: percentage of publishers reporting that 76%–100% of their books will be distributed as e-books in 2011
20: percentage of publishers that generate more than 10% of their revenue from e-books
44: percentage of publishers that generate 1%–3% of their revenue from e-books
48: percentage of publishers that reported that 1%–25% of their backlist titles have been converted to e-books
87: percentage of publishers who are, or plan to, produce e-books in addition to print
10: percentage of publishers who are producing e-books in place of print
21: percentage of publishers producing enhanced e-books
55: percentage of publishers with no plans or still investigating publishing enhanced e-books
23: percentage of publishers producing apps
65: percentage of publishers with no plans or still investigating the publication of apps
30: percentage of publishers who believe content format and device compatibility issues are the greatest challenges facing the e-book market
21: percentage of publishers who believe distribution channel issues are the greatest challenges facing the e-book market