The Rules of the Game: Ethics in College Sport
Richard Edward Lapchick. American Council on Education, $23.75 (242pp) ISBN 978-0-02-897401-9
Considering the alleged absence of morality in sports today, it seems encouraging that Lapchick, director of Boston's Center for Study of Sport in Society, and Slaughter, president of Occidental College, have assembled a 214-page report of this oxymoronic subject. They solicited notables Bob Woolf (sports agent), Jack Bicknell (Boston College football coach), Doug Single (athletic director at SMU), Richard D. Shultz (president of the NCAA) among others to define problems plaguing collegiate sports. While the range of discussion is impressive, depth is seriously lacking. Simplistically, the majority of the ``experts'' here contend that college athletics would be freer from sin if ``good people'' were hired. Only Woolf's essay on agents and sports editor Sandy Padwe's commentary on the media suggest that the infrastructure of collegiate sports might be at fault. ( Nov.)
Reviewed on: 09/01/1989