Growing Up with Divorce: Helping Your Child Avoid Immediate and Later Emotional Problems
Neil Kalter. Free Press, $22.95 (416pp) ISBN 978-0-02-916901-8
Director of the Family Styles Project at the University of Michigan, Kalter observes that ``divorce is a continuing presence in the psychological lives of the great majority of the children'' he treats in clinical practice. Children's levels of development--cognitive, emotional and social--at the time of the parents' divorce creates an enormous variability in response. Kalter delineates five stages of development from infancy through adolescence, illustrates them through case studies and anecdotes, and demonstrates a variety of ways parents can help children at different stages cope with change and stress, and provide for possible long-range effects of divorce. This book presents a framework for those concerned with helping children of divorce grow in psychological health. (Dec.)
Reviewed on: 11/01/1989