Richard Graber. HarperCollins Publishers, $13.89 (151pp) ISBN 978-0-06-022094-5
The author of Black Cow Summer and other notable novels surpasses himself with this story of a family in crisis. The narrator, Bradley, is devoted to his grandfather, Doc Bloodworth, who is afflicted with Alzheimer's disease. During a trying summer on Cape Cod, Brad risks alienating his beloved girlfriend Martha when he defends Doc, who is becoming less rational. The reader suffers with the formerly wise and kind doctor, metamorphosed into an abusive stranger, and with the people who love him. Graber has written a vital story beautifully. No one can be indifferent to Doc or the many other people with whom Brad is concerned. (12-up)
Reviewed on: 01/01/1986
Hardcover - 151 pages - 978-0-06-022064-8