The Theft and the Miracle
Rebecca Wade, . . HarperCollins/Tegen, $16.99 (351pp) ISBN 978-0-06-077493-6
Wade's first novel—part mystery, part fantasy—centers on 12-year-old Hannah Price, who "noticed things other people didn't and... knew how to draw them." One afternoon, she gives her raincoat to a fellow classmate just as a sudden thunderstorm erupts. Hannah seeks shelter in a cathedral famous for its 14th-century wooden carving of the Virgin and Child. As she begins to sketch the sculpture, Hannah's fingers tingle and her pencil "traveled with complete assurance." When she leaves the church, Hannah begins to sense an unexplained presence watching over her. Soon thereafter the infant is stolen out of the arms of the Virgin. Hannah learns that a witches' coven plans to burn the sculpture on Dec. 24th, the statue's anniversary, and she falls for a trap set by the thief. The story moves quickly and Hannah's personal challenges (she's overweight and suffers from acne) make her an accessible heroine, but the reason for Hannah being chosen as the statue's protector remains unclear. This is a more sophisticated mystery due to its references to witchcraft and strong historical and religious overtones (the Black Death, the angel Gabriel). Readers with a keen key for clues will discover them throughout the story. Ages 9-up.
Reviewed on: 02/12/2007
Genre: Children's
Library Binding - 351 pages - 978-0-06-077495-0
Other - 368 pages - 978-0-06-195848-9