Hometown Recipes for the Holidays
Candace Floyd, Jill Melton, Anne Gillem. William Morrow Cookbooks, $18.95 (302pp) ISBN 978-0-06-125789-6
The editors of American Profile magazine asked their readers to submit their favorite holiday recipe, taking the top 250 (of some 1,500 entries) for this compilation covering everything from Valentines Day, Cinco De Mayo and Passover to Groundhog Day, St. Patrick's Day and Easter. Organized by course (appetizer, dessert, side dish, etc.), submissions range from classics such as Spinach and Oyster Dressing to everyday dishes like Tortellini in Sundried Tomato Sauce to holiday-specific recipes, including a questionable concoction called Marcia Emig's Pumpkin Dip, comprised of cinnamon, nutmeg, two packages of cream cheese, a 16 oz bag of powdered sugar and a can of pumpkin (""Serve with gingersnaps""). Tellingly, the grand prize winner, Cranberry Cake with Hot Butter Sauce submitted by Phyllis Willink of Baldwin, Wisconsin, is simple, to the point, and cheerfully decadent. Though all the recipes have clear, concise instructions, some dishes-like the complicated but delicious Christmas Cinnamon Rolls-should probably be left to experienced bakers and cooks. That said, there is something for virtually all tastes and skill levels, ensuring that your next Flag Day will be a tasty one.
Reviewed on: 10/29/2007
Genre: Nonfiction