How to Love an American Man: A True Story
Kristine Gasbarre. Harper, $14.99 trade paper (304p) ISBN 978-0-06-199739-6
Gasbarre, a contributor to relationship Web sites (YourTango and LimeWire), details her quest for finding love with the perfect man, someone who has all the qualities of her grandfather. Unfortunately, it seems the 28-year-old%E2%80%94despite much analyzing and discussing%E2%80%94hasn't gained clarity. As the book begins, the author follows a boyfriend to Italy, who soon dumps her; she returns home to her grandfather, who falls ill and dies. She writes, "When I lost the two men who made me feel beautiful and important, I gave up the world and returned to my family. For the first time, it would be a woman who would change the way I looked at myself and at relationships." Due to a dearth of change or enlightenment in the author, readers' attentiveness likely will wane. And while it is clear Gasbarre treasures her family, the conversations with her grandmother often feel self-conscious and forced, breaking the rhythm of the narrative. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 05/30/2011
Genre: Nonfiction