The Shared Wisdom of Mothers and Daughters: The Timelessness of Simple Truths
Alexandra Stoddard. Morrow, $21.99 (176p) ISBN 978-0-06-211637-6
A prolific writer, interior designer, and "lifestyle philosopher", Stoddard (Things Good Mothers Know) offers 24 essays with a "wider and deeper" approach than previous books, focusing on subjects such as appreciating nature, making healthy choices about food and money, understanding the virtues of patience, and exploring the joys of being a mother and grandmother. Having moved from Manhat-tan to Connecticut, Stoddard says she has "gone back to nature," which gives her plenty of writing fodder; she keeps fresh flowers in the house, enjoys the views from her windows, and takes daily walks. Many of her themes focus on living a simple, uncluttered life. In the especially astute chapter "Know What to Look for in a Husband and What to Work Toward in a Marriage," Stoddard observes that a man should be more of a "sensualist" when he's with his wife; bringing technology to the table "%E2%80%A6or, worse, to the bedroom" is insulting. Stoddard (who quite contentedly survives without email or driving a car) encourages readers to put down their technology "gadgets" when engaged in social in-teraction and live with grace and discipline. Though platitudes abound, Stoddard spices her gentle ponderings with quotes from the great thinkers she has always admired and studied%E2%80%94from the Buddha to Malcomb Forbes. Agent: Carl Brandt (May)
Reviewed on: 05/20/2013
Genre: Nonfiction
Downloadable Audio - 978-0-06-223994-5
Downloadable Audio - 978-0-06-223993-8
Other - 176 pages - 978-0-06-211642-0
Audio book sample courtesy of HarperAudio