cover image Resolving Infertility: Understanding the Options and Choosing Solutions When You Want to Have a Baby

Resolving Infertility: Understanding the Options and Choosing Solutions When You Want to Have a Baby

Resolve. HarperCollins Publishers, $27.5 (370pp) ISBN 978-0-06-273522-5

Like Resolve itself, an advocacy group (of which Aronson is the executive director) formed 25 years ago, this book offers support and information to people coping with infertility. Claiming that over six million Americans seek treatment each year and that options, technological and otherwise, have increased, the authors present readers with a thorough roadmap. The book addresses the causes of infertility and includes discussions of medical treatments and new cutting-edge technology. In addition, it covers other options for building a family, such as adoption and surrogacy, or even deciding to live without children. First-hand accounts flesh out the emotional aspects of infertility, including how to cope with disappointment, maintain a close relationship with one's partner and deal with other family members and friends. Helpful decision trees and financial worksheets are included along with less helpful journal-writing exercises. Strange syntax and jargon, not to mention the occasional pitch to join Resolve, can be off-putting, but the book largely succeeds in its effort to help readers find the resolution that's right for them. (Dec.)