cover image Death at Morning House

Death at Morning House

Maureen Johnson. HarperTeen, $19.99 (384p) ISBN 978-0-06-325595-1

Johnson (Nine Liars) departs from her Truly Devious universe with a standalone dual-timeline mystery helmed by a quirky and endearing teen. In New York’s Thousand Islands archipelago, Morning House—the once “idyllic,” now infamous site of two adolescents’ tragic deaths in 1932—is open for public tours coordinated by a local historian. Gay teen Marlowe Wexler signs on as a guide to escape her own notorious past: she accidentally burned down a cottage during her first date. What seems like an auspicious opportunity turns ominous after Marlowe discovers that she was recruited to replace a recently drowned employee. When the historian in charge disappears soon after Marlowe’s arrival, she senses deadly secrets afoot and fears she may be the next victim. Johnson’s signature mix of wit and mystery shines in this compelling sapphic thriller that comments on eugenics, family loyalty, and complicated friendships. The secluded island setting—which is described to Marlowe as “Death Disney World”—ratchets up suspense as narration deftly alternates between Marlowe’s self-deprecating reflections and flashbacks from 1932; the queer romance subplot adds warmth and depth. Marlowe cues as white; the supporting cast is intersectionally diverse. Ages 14–up. Agent: Kate Schafer Testerman, KT Literary. (Aug.)