Power and Influence: The Rules Have Changed
Robert L. Dilenschneider, . . McGraw-Hill, $22.95 (210pp) ISBN 978-0-07-148976-8
former Hill & Knowlton CEO Dilenschneider covers the bases on what those with power should do to retain and expand it, from keeping up with the times (or as he puts it, “Accept, Adapt, and Accelerate—or Atrophy”) to encouraging innovation, seizing opportunities and developing extensive networks of personal and professional contacts. Using examples from his own history as well as insights from other successful and influential business builders, Dilenschneider shares tried-and-true advice applicable to anyone who wants to get ahead and stay ahead in business management and ownership. Dilenschneider’s personal experiences are particularly interesting and instructive, such as his decision to leave his well-paid position at Hill & Knowlton when he realized the company was going in a direction he no longer agreed with, or his willingness to learn from those he admired, who in turn became generous mentors. He also discusses newer technologies and promotional techniques such as blogging. Dilenschneider has had a varied career, and the reader leaves this small volume wishing he had been willing to share more of it.
Reviewed on: 07/09/2007
Genre: Nonfiction