Silent Warfare 1st Ed. (H)
Abram N. Shulsky. Potomac Books, $19.95 (222pp) ISBN 978-0-08-040566-7
Shulsky, who points out that government intelligence is becoming a recognized area of academic study, here offers the first introductory textbook in the field, a codification that will be appreciated by serious students. The author assesses the three means by which raw intelligence data are gathered--from human sources, by technical means and open-source collection--and describes missions, methods of analysis and practical applications of the ``product.'' Shulsky, a senior fellow at the National Strategy Information Center in Washington, D.C., reviews the wide variety of activities that come under the heading ``covert intelligence'' and defines counterintelligence. His approach is basically theoretical and refers almost exclusively to the Anglo-American experience. (July)
Reviewed on: 07/01/1991
Genre: Nonfiction