cover image Revolution X: 2a Survival Guide for Our Generation

Revolution X: 2a Survival Guide for Our Generation

Rob Nelson. Penguin Books, $9.95 (224pp) ISBN 978-0-14-023532-6

The co-founders of the nonpartisan political organization Lead... or Leave have a lofty aim for their Generation X guidebook. Nelson and Cowan don't simply define the nearly 80 million people of the ``13th generation'' by their collective tastes and attitudes. They want to empower them-``We must lay aside our cynicism, get off our butts, and take a stand for our common future'' is how they define their generation's mission. Appealing to a group often considered apathetic and directionless, the authors create a compelling case for activism with copious quantities of statistics and persuasive arguments. The authors see one of the greatest threats to their future in the $4.5 trillion debt. They stress how the burgeoning debt will personally affect the reader (more expensive homes, increased crime) and offer ten easy ways to get involved. Even the most indifferent may be spurred to action after reading ``Armageddon 2012,'' a bleak Margaret Atwood-style picture of America. Also included is a ``diet,'' or budget plan, for the U.S. and a helpful action kit with information on ``plugging back in.'' (Nov.)