The Bind
William Goldsmith. Jonathan Cape (dist. by Trafalgar Square), $39.95 (120p) ISBN 978-0-224-09702-4
Exquisitely designed and produced, Goldsmith’s second book (following the acclaimed Vignettes of Ystov) is not only an illustrated blueprint of the craft of rebinding rare books, but a dark-humored saga of the downfall of two bookbinder brothers who swindle and double-cross each other. Goldsmith’s art dances us through the bookbinding processes, while his script spins an enthralling saga of cunning plans and obsessive greed. There’s an impressive amount of technical research on the tools and techniques of the binders, but the charm is in the synthesis of story and picture. The narrative eschews kinetic action in favor of precisely paced panels: most pages contain six identically sized panels, with larger panels breaking into a hallucinatory dream, or in one case a 24-panel page laying out an elaborate swindle. The art is in light blacks and shades of burnt umber that recall antique leather binding. This is a beautiful book to savor and hold. (Nov.)
Reviewed on: 09/26/2016
Genre: Comics