Nazi Justiz: Law of the Holocaust
Richard Lawrence Miller. Praeger Publishers, $87.95 (244pp) ISBN 978-0-275-94912-9
The process leading to the mass murder of Jews under Hitler began with the following steps, as delineated by Miller: ostracism from community life; revocation of legal rights; job dismissals; forced labor; property confiscation; concentration of victims in geographical locations. In his unoriginal study, Miller (Truman) regards Crystal Night, the state-sanctioned plunder of Jewish businesses, homes and synagogues on the night of November 9-10, 1938, as the start of the Holocaust and recalls that the war on Jews made money for Aryan merchants and provided jobs and housing for Aryan unemployed. The destruction process, in Miller's scheme, went out of control and ultimately destroyed perpetrators, victims and bystanders alike. He warns that it is a process that can be applied anywhere, anytime, and that it not only can but will happen in any country where ordinary people are targeted for exclusion from everyday life. (July)
Reviewed on: 05/29/1995
Genre: Nonfiction