Nice Girls Just Don't Get It: 99 Ways to Win the Respect You Deserve, the Success You've Earned, and the Life You Want
Lois P. Frankel and Carol Frohlinger, Crown/Archetype, $23 (320p) ISBN 978-0-307-59046-6
Frankel (Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office) and Frohlinger (coauthor, Her Place at the Table) provide a broad set of skills women can use to achieve goals when dealing with anyone, anywhere, whether a disparaging sister-in-law, a contractor who can't remember what was agreed upon in previous discussions, or a boyfriend who lets you pay for most of the meals and entertainment. Employing case studies and self-assessment and visualization exercises, the authors urge readers not to let early experiences define them and limit their expectations of themselves or invest equally in every relationship. They advise paying attention to subtle messages given by others, developing a thicker skin, and asking directly for what you need rather than hinting around, as well as avoiding passive-aggressive behavior; learn to interrupt a discussion "with aplomb"; and being proactive in both your personal and professional lives. Despite nuggets of helpful advice, this book feels like an also-ran to Frankel's previous trail-blazing bestseller. (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 01/31/2011
Genre: Nonfiction