A fifth book from the founder of the famous cookie company, this collection of cheerful vignettes presents approaches to life's challenges in a series of "recipes" for success (e.g., "Humble Pie I: Know When to Fish, and When to Cut Bait"), drawing on ingredients such as experience, appreciation, perseverance and faith, as well as on philosophical traditions (in chapters titled "The Tao of the Cookie," "The Karma of the Cookie"). Amos (The Famous Amos Story) is relentlessly optimistic about overcoming everyday obstacles and enthusiastic about sharing with others the strategies that have worked for him. While each "recipe" can stand alone, a narrative strand runs through the book outlining Amos's successes and failures in business and in life, though unfortunately these biographical details can be distractingly repetitive. Amos, with author Murray, manages to salvage an inspirational lesson from every setback and tries to show how the reader can use his formulas to achieve the same results ("expect lumps... but whether a lump is flour or sugar, it's still part of the batter of Life!"). He makes frequent references to religious faith as a staple ingredient, though escapes an overt religious didacticism that might be off-putting to some. Offering general business wisdom, lessons for personal life, an introduction by Neale Donald Walsch and a few actual cookie recipes at the end, Amos serves up a little lite wisdom for everyone. (Oct. 5)
Forecast:Standing squarely on the shoulders of pan-inspirational giants like Robert Fulghum's
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten and Jack Canfield's Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and with a national author tour and radio campaign, this book will find a ready-made initial audience.