The Rainaldi Quartet
Paul Adam, . . St. Martin's Minotaur/Dunne, $23.95 (310pp) ISBN 978-0-312-35004-8
From the first stirring theme to the last fading chord, mystery fans and music lovers alike will be captivated by British author Adam's excellent contemporary thriller. Gianni Castiglione, a violin maker who lives in rural Italy, plays in a string quartet with fellow luthier Rainaldi, parish priest Father Arrighi and police detective Guastafeste. When Rainaldi is murdered after dropping hints about a search for a rare and magnificent violin, Father Arrighi conducts the funeral and Guastafeste investigates, aided by Castiglione's thorough knowledge of violin construction and history. As they travel across Italy and England tracking down clues and suspects, a rich and subtle story unfolds. Adam has constructed this tale with all the care and craftsmanship that Stradivari put into his instruments, filling it to the brim with deliciously caustic commentary on Italian city life and fascinating historical and musical detail. If the mystery itself is slightly less than compelling, it's because the storytelling almost overwhelms the crime solving. The gentle exposition helps the layman keep up without condescension.
Reviewed on: 12/12/2005
Genre: Fiction
Open Ebook - 320 pages - 978-1-4668-3140-7
Paperback - 312 pages - 978-1-933397-77-1