The New Health Care System: Everything You Need to Know
David Nather, St Martin's Griffin, $12.99 paper (240p) ISBN 9780312649340
Providing clear, concise answers to countless questions about sweeping health care reform signed into law by President Obama in early 2010, Nather, a senior writer for Congressional Quarterly, has created an indispensible guide. From changes in Medicare and Medicaid to issues of long-term care, from health insurance exchanges to financial assistance for premiums, Nather's handbook addresses all essential topics in a manner more thorough than anything provided so far by news sources. With easy-reference headings, tables for coverage dates, numerous web and phone resources for further facts, and more, this will be a valuable resources in the coming years as the law's changes roll into effect. In addition to the mechanics of reform, Nather addresses preventive care, medical decision-making, cost-cutting, and even paying for health care reform. His efficient, humorous, nonpartisan prose - succinct yet highly detailed - makes this an indispensable guide for anyone unsure of what "The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act" will mean to them. (July)
Reviewed on: 08/16/2010
Genre: Nonfiction