Shabbat Shalom: Recipes and Menus for the Sabbath
Susan Friedland, Susan Freidland. Little Brown and Company, $24.95 (304pp) ISBN 978-0-316-29065-4
Friedland, HarperCollins cookbook editor and author of The Passover Table, notes that a highly personal survey of Jewish people she knew revealed that they all ate ""Chicken, sometimes brisket"" at Friday-night dinners when they were growing up. This book expands the typical Sabbath menu of traditional Jewish foods to include other dishes that can be prepared to meet the laws of kashrut. Friedland suggests such innovative appetizers as Fish Cocktail Uncle Louie, a kosher version of crab Louis, and Sorrel-Stuffed Hard-Boiled Eggs, inspired by a Richard Olney recipe. The chapter on soups includes the necessary recipes for Chicken Soup and Matzo Balls and also offers a hearty Celery Root and Barley Soup and a Spinach Soup that can be served hot or cold. Dishes that reach beyond Ashkenazi tradition, like a Moroccan-inspired Braised Cod with Chickpeas, succeed as well. Friedland does not abandon chicken completely, and her chapter on poultry main courses includes standard Roast Chicken, Broiled Butterflied Chicken with Mustard Coating, and a Chicken and Macaroni casserole from Brooklyn's Syrian Jewish community. The author also takes care to make room for vegetarians at the Sabbath table by including Meatless Cholent and Phyllis Glazer's Vegetarian Cholent among the six cholent recipes. Many of the desserts rely on fruit (Baked Apples, Pears Poached in Red Wine); all are refreshingly simple. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 08/30/1999
Genre: Nonfiction