cover image Solo Practice: A Woman Surgeon's Story

Solo Practice: A Woman Surgeon's Story

Elizabeth Morgan. Little Brown and Company, $13.95 (294pp) ISBN 978-0-316-58298-8

The situation of a single mother is not without hardship even when she is comfortable like Morgan, a successful plastic surgeon with a supportive family and associates. Although her passages about performing surgery and about problems such as housing, child care and illnesses tend to be overwritten, the emotional strain these situations exact comes through, as does the impact of a divorce and custody battle. Like many divorced working women, the author had to endure weeks of grueling interrogations, defending her morals and fitness to bring up a child despite career obligations. Having won custodythanks, she acknowledges, to a highly paid lawyer not every woman could affordMorgan (The Making of a Woman Surgeon claims that it took her months to recover from the ""brutal psychological assault'' of the trial and that her daughter's development was impaired by the premature visitation periods at the father's residence imposed by law. First serial for Self. (February 20)

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