cover image WOMEN ARE NOT SMALL MEN: Life-Saving Strategies for Preventing and Healing Heart Disease in Women

WOMEN ARE NOT SMALL MEN: Life-Saving Strategies for Preventing and Healing Heart Disease in Women

Nieca Goldberg, . . Ballantine, $24 (480pp) ISBN 978-0-345-44098-3

Goldberg, chief of cardiac rehabilitation at the Women's Heart Program at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, believes that misinformation about heart health is keeping women from getting appropriate cardiac care. Women, on their own or because doctors belittle their symptoms, often ignore the warning signs of heart disease, imagining that that they're too young or simply the wrong gender to be having a heart attack. In this comprehensive guide to cardiac health, Goldberg uses numerous case studies to show how women think they're suffering from fatigue or stress or are simply overweight when in fact they're showing signs of cardiac obstruction. Goldberg encourages women of all ages to be proactive in managing heart disease with simple strategies including stress reduction, physical activity, healthier eating and quitting smoking. Included is a simple quiz to determine readers' risk level for heart problems. All relevant related conditions, including diabetes and menopause, are discussed so that readers can assess their options regarding medication and lifestyle changes. Women of all backgrounds will find the material things helpful to read both before and after visiting their own physician, and Goldberg's realistic approach will also appeal to readers. Though she urges women to recognize the potential for serious heart problems, Goldberg knows that few people will transform their behavior instantly. This is an excellent addition to the women's health shelf. (Feb.)
