cover image Star Wars: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction: A Novel of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction: A Novel of the Old Republic

Drew Karpyshyn, . . Del Rey/LucasBooks, $25.95 (324pp) ISBN 978-0-345-47736-1

In the latest Star Wars novel, Karpyshyn (Temple Hill ) charts the evolution of an antihero almost as chilling as Darth Vader. "A thousand years before the Republic's collapse and Emperor Palpatine's rise to power," Des, the young "Force"-gifted son of an abusive miner, wins big in a high stakes game with some Republic soldiers, but kills a sore loser. To avoid imprisonment, Des joins the Sith's Brotherhood of Darkness that's battling the Jedi's Army of Light. Des becomes Lord Bane after his abilities earn him a place at the Sith Academy on the planet Korriban. Determined to excel, Bane secretly trains with the devious Githany, former Jedi turned Sith, but after she betrays him, he decides to fly solo and delve deeper into the Sith past. The intensity lets up on occasion, but on the whole the author delivers a solid space adventure sure to satisfy the Star Wars faithful. (Sept.)
