cover image To Keep a Husband: An Ex-Wives
\t\t  Novel

To Keep a Husband: An Ex-Wives \t\t Novel

Lindsay Graves, .\t\t . Ballantine, $17.95 (272pp) ISBN 978-0-345-48549-6

Picking up where To Catch a Husband \t\t left off, the second installment of Graves's Ex-Wives series finds the women of \t\t fictional San Carlino, Calif., hosting charity fund-raisers, looking for rich \t\t men and chasing perfection. Caitlin Latch, who carries a fake Louis Vuitton and \t\t drives a "rattletrap" station wagon, stretches her finances to live among the \t\t wealthy so her preteen son, Aiden, can be "raised in a pleasant and secure \t\t environment." Of course, it doesn't hurt that she might meet a rich, handsome \t\t guy. (She does.) Lally Chandler Clemente, the only remarried ex-wife, has \t\t problems of her own when her "Eurotrashy" daughter comes to town, possibly to \t\t horn in on her marriage to her mega-rich husband. Meanwhile, Jessica DiSantini \t\t struggles over her relationship with a composer, and bitchy Janey Martinez pops \t\t pills and works her body to the max. Other than Janey, Graves's characters are \t\t unique and sympathetic, and their exploits and entanglements provide fast-paced \t\t fun. (Feb.)
